Personal Finance Tips – How to Get a VA Loan If You Are a Veteran!

If you happen to be a person who is on active duty right now or are considered a qualified veteran you could have a valuable resource available to you in order for you to get a loan for a home. VA loans are for those who qualify to get a home loan from the Department of Veterans Affairs. They are a department of the government that actually will keep your interests at heart when they are processing your loan. So it’s a good idea to research your VA loan possibility before you go looking for other lenders.You can do a self screening to see if you are a qualified veteran or if you are on active duty. However, if you are a veteran you need to have received an honorable discharge or you may not be considered eligible. So you should take whatever military identification that you have, down to your local Veteran’s Administration office to see if you are truly eligible before you get your hopes up.You will need some sort of proof that you serviced in the military. This would be your DD214, Military ID Card, Military Record and any awards you might have for proof that you served in the U.S. Military. Even though your local VA may already have any of these items you still should make sure that you have your own copies.You can also, if you wish, go to the website for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs if you would rather try to apply online. You will click on the “Veteran Services” option on the website where you will then click on “Home Loans”. Then you can click on the “Certificate of Eligibility Veteran Registration Instructions” this way you can register for the site. You will need to do this in order to be able to apply for a loan online.After you have done this you then go back and login. Go back to the “Veteran Services” and click on that, go to “Home Loans” and click on that. Once back to the options page for home loans you can then click on the “VA Loan Electronic Reporting Interface.” Once you are there you will need to follow all of the directions they require for you to apply for the loan.You will then need to go to your VA Office when the site directs you to. This is so that you can complete the entire loan processing. You will give the rep all of the paperwork that they are going to need like proof that your served, your real estate agent’s contact information (understand that you already need to have a house in mind so that if they need to ask questions your real estate agent can answer them for you) and any other information that they might require. It’s probably a very good idea for you to call them ahead of time to see exactly what they need from you to continue processing the loan.After that, you will just need to wait for your loan to be processed and while you are waiting make sure to continue to update your agent about how far along the process is. They need to know that it’s still in process so that they don’t think that you’ve decided to not go through with it.